Images of mahatma (mohandas) k gandhi images
Mahatma gandhi photo
Images of mahatma (mohandas) k gandhi images with color.
The Difference Between Mohandas & Mahatma Gandhi
28Aug 2015 by Vincent Summers 9 Comments
You’ve noticed it for years, but never understood why.
What’s the difference between Mohandas and Mahatma Gandhi? It’s all very simple.
What’s in a Name?Images of mahatma (mohandas) k gandhi images
Mohandas Gandhi
Both Mohandas and Mahatma Gandhi refer to the very same person. Mohandas is a name. Mahatma is a title.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) was the man who led India to independence from Britain.
In the process, the land was divided in two: Muslim Pakistan, with the remainder becoming the new Hindu-dominated India.
What’s in a Title?Images of mahatma (mohandas) k gandhi images with name
Mahatma Gandhi
He employed peaceful means to accomplish this end, and so came to be revered among the people. The reverence is reflected in the title Mahatma, which is defined as a revered person or sage who, some suggest possesses supernatural powers.
Note: The use of titles as if they were names should not be surprising.
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