Roel nusse and harold varmus biography

  • Roel nusse and harold varmus biography
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    Roel Nusse

    Breakthrough Prize laureates

    • Nima Arkani-Hamed, Alan Guth, Alexei Kitaev, Maxim Kontsevich, Andrei Linde, Juan Maldacena, Nathan Seiberg, Ashoke Sen, Edward Witten (2012)
    • Special: Stephen Hawking, Peter Jenni, Fabiola Gianotti (ATLAS), Michel Della Negra, Tejinder Virdee, Guido Tonelli, Joseph Incandela (CMS) and Lyn Evans (LHC) (2013)
    • Alexander Polyakov (2013)
    • Michael Green and John Henry Schwarz (2014)
    • Saul Perlmutter and members of the Supernova Cosmology Project; Brian Schmidt, Adam Riess and members of the High-Z Supernova Team (2015)
    • Special: Ronald Drever, Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss and contributors to LIGO project (2016)
    • Yifang Wang, Kam-Biu Luk and the Daya Bay team, Atsuto Suzuki and the KamLAND team, Kōichirō Nishikawa and the K2K / T2K team, Arthur B.

      McDonald and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory team, Takaaki Kajita and Yōichirō Suzuki and the Super-Kamiokande team (2016)

    • Joseph Polchinski, Andrew Strom