Japanese emperor hirohito signed numbers

  • Japanese emperor hirohito signed numbers
  • Japanese emperor hirohito signed numbers

  • amma canteens and amartya sen biography
  • Japanese emperor
  • Emperor Hirohito Twice-Signed Autograph Album (1921)
  • Japanese emperor akihito
  • Japanese emperor hirohito 1945
  • Emperor Hirohito Twice-Signed Autograph Album (1921).

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    124th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order (1926 – 1989) – in Japan officially called Emperor Showa.

    The present signatures most likely date from around 1921 during which Hirohito took a six month tour of Western Europe, visiting the United Kingdom, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. Shortly after his return to Japan, on 29th November 1921, he became Regent of Japan.

    Japanese emperor

    Our Identification Number: 6021445. Satisfaction Guarantee – If you are not satisfied with the autographs you can return them within 15 days without giving reasons. We do not offer any Autopen-, Secretarial-, Stamped- or Pre-Print autographs.

    Certificate of Authenticy – We stand 100% behind all the signatures that we offer!

    Japanese emperor akihito

    You will receive each autograph with a fine certificate of authenticity with a unique identification number. This service is to our knowledge unique, as illustrated certificates only bring a proof of origin in case of emergency.

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