Herbert nitsch biography

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    Herbert Nitsch

    Austrian freediver and world record holder

    Herbert Nitsch (born 20 April 1970) is an Austrianfreediver, the current freediving world record champion, and "the deepest man on earth"[1] having dived to a depth of 253.2 meters (831 feet).

    Nitsch has held 34 world records in all of the eight freediving disciplines recognised by AIDA International and one in the traditional Greek discipline of Skandalopetra.

    Herbert nitsch biography

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  • Competitive freediving

    Nitsch has held the world record in at least six AIDA-recognised events: Variable Weight, Constant Weight, Static Apnea, Dynamic Apnea, Free Immersion and Dynamic apnea without fins.

    Dynamic Apnea

    Nitsch's Dynamic Apnea record of 183 m set in 2002, was bested by 40 m by Tom Sietas.

    Women's champion, Natalia Molchanova of Russia, has also swum further than 200 m.

    Sietas also holds the Dynamic apnea without fins record at 183 m, beating Nitsch's 2001 distance of 134 m[2] by almost 50