English philosophers of the enlightenment notes

  • English philosophers of the enlightenment notes
  • List of famous philosophers.

    List of intellectuals of the Enlightenment

    Person Dates Nationality Notes Thomas Abbt1738–1766GermanAuthor of "Vom Tode für das Vaterland" (On dying for one's nation).Jean le Rond d'Alembert1717–1783FrenchMathematician and physicist, one of the editors of the Encyclopédie.[1]Francis Bacon1561–1626EnglishPhilosopher who started the revolution in empirical thought that characterized much of the Enlightenment.[2]Pierre Bayle1647–1706FrenchAuthor of the widely-circulated and influential work in French, not Latin, Dictionnaire historique et critique, and "Nouvelles de la république des lettres"; following Spinoza and others he was an advocate tolerance between the different religious beliefs.James Beattie1735–1803ScottishPoet, moralist, and philosopher.Cesare Beccaria1738–1794ItalianCriminal law reformer, best known for his treatise On Crimes and Punishments (1764).Balthasar Bekk